Dream Givers Exhibition

Finally, I have taken the time to sit and post the results of the exhibit “Dream Givers”, which was in November of last year. The project for this exhibit was very simple from the start; students at the art club from my college came up with the idea of having an exhibit as donation for a group of kids that live in a far mountain in the town of Llalla, Peru, where is hard to get school supplies among other things. The plan was to donate our work to the exhibit in hopes that it would sell and accumulate as much money as possible so that the person in charge of traveling to Peru would be able to take enough school supplies for every kid. This person happened to be a contact of one of the students in the art club, and traveling to Peru is something he does on his own time. He offered his restaurant as gallery, and the students gathered all the materials to make the gallery presentable enough for the night of the exhibit. Me? I just happened to tag along.

I was interested in the idea because as an “artist in the making” I want to get my work out there as much as possible. I’m not looking to get paid, I just want to start promoting my work so that I can get recognize. Sadly, none of the art works sold. This happened due to a lack of professionalism. Everything was done last-minute, there was not enough time to organized and build a strong presentation, and there was not enough advertisement. However, I’m happy I went through this, I see it as an experience and hopefully next time it will all turn out better.

I will share pictures of some of the art works, and of friends. We had a good time and overall the atmosphere was of excitement and happiness since for most of the students involved it was their first time being exhibit publicly.

Soya E Pomodoro, Downtown Miami, where the exhibit took place.

Family and friends where there to support me!

Ingrid, the artist in charged of the exhibition.

My aunt Rebecca and one of the musicians.

My dear friend Johan was my number one fan at the exhibit.

(The Kite Dreamer, Ink) The art work I donated to the exhibit. In fact, I created the illustrated tale based on the theme “Dream Givers”

(Tolerancia, Charcoal) This is my good friend Carolina Gonzalez’s work. She is an amazing artist. I’m very happy to have met her, thanks to her I have become more dedicated to my art.

(Untitled, Graphite) This is a self-portrait of Michael Sanchez, the artist of this piece. Michael is another student with great talent. He was praised for his ability to deliver an outstanding likeness. I think he did an awesome job!

Unfortunately I was not the one with a camera, but my friends. I tried to get as many pictures as I could, but these were all I could gather… here is to another exhibit with better results!


The Kite Dreamer

This Saturday there will be an exhibit in Downtown Miami, Fl, for the kids in Peru that don’t have school supplies. The event is titled “Dream Givers” and its exactly what it is, whoever donates is giving a kid in Peru the opportunity to dream for a better future. Donations can be school supplies, money, or your art work for sale, if you are an artist.

For the past four five days I have been working on a piece for this exhibit. I have finished today, and I will go down to Downtown to donated. Its kind of hard to just donate, since it is my very first illustrated story. It is a short story, it only takes about four pages although I have done it in a big drawing paper so it is one piece. At the same time, however, it is awesome that I can donate this for a good thing, and get to exhibit, which it is also my very first time doing so.

I hope you like the piece, its titled; “The Kite Dreamer”

(The Kite Dreamer, ink pen, ink wash)