My Mother: “The Eternal Miss Congeniality”

Style, beauty and poise never lacked in this native cubana, armed with an endless sense of humor, a truck load of courage, and the determination of warrior, she has conquered life among other things…Since I can remember my mom has always been surrounded by great friends so I grew up learning to appreciate friendship thanks to her. It’s incredible till this day she still maintains close relationships with most of her childhood friends regardless of the fact that they are in different countries.

Most of my childhood memories have to do with my mom doing some kind of singing or dancing… oh and laughing profusely about silly things. During the course of her career as an English teacher while I was still a child she managed to never lose track of her loved ones and she played the role of motherhood to perfection. We had many dogs roaming our house when I was kid because my mother loved animals and always did her best to rescue them and protect them, this love taught me humility and kindness and it has inspired me my entire life. Thanks Mom!

Not all has been fun and games for her unfortunately, my grandmother who was scheduled to travel with us when we first came to the US from Cuba back in 1993 suddenly passed away 2 weeks before our departure. The loss of my grandmother was devastating for both of us, specially for my mom who had lost my grandfather the year before and which need to cope with the fact that she was going to be completely alone in a new country with a 10 year old to raise (Me) by herself.

Upon our arrival to Miami my mother immediately found a job and enrolled in night school to learn computers and to re-enforce her knowledge of the language, in only a few years she re-validated her degree from Cuba and went back to teaching middle school, not really happy with the pay she decided to go into the postal service and has been a happy mail carrier for many years now.

Despite the struggles we faced she managed to raise me by herself without any help from anyone and give me everything I always wanted and more. I have a great relationship with my mom and can tell her anything, thanks to her easygoing and approachable persona. She is fun to be around and everyone that knows her loves her. Even now after the big 50 she is still remains a happy silly child…judge her yourself from the photos below taken this past Sunday on Mother’s Day.

Her name “Alina” is of Greek origin, and its meaning islight

Cherish The Moments, For They Are Like Candles In The Wind

Our mere existence is but a collection of moments, the beauty of a moment and what makes it so special and unique is that it happens and then its gone forever like a flower which never blooms twice. You might have moments and flowers very similar to each other but they can never be the same. I think that is why is so important that we don’t forget to cherish every moment that has meaning to us; Look back at your grandmother’s face when she is smiling at you or telling you an old story because you might never get another moment like that again; have fun with your best friend while your young and innocent before life makes you go separate ways; enjoy every second of that first romantic picnic at the park with someone special who captured your heart once…and most of all, remember every details of those moments because they are the fabric of your life. Today is mothers day and most of us will see our mothers or at least talk to them on the phone if they are far way. I hope everyone can remember when they look at their mother’s face; the way she held you and protected you when you were just a baby; that she loved you and nurtured you even after you made mistakes; the sacrifices she made for your life to be better than hers today; all the sleepless nights she stood at your bed while you were sick giving you medicine and loving you until you felt better. Take a minute and really enjoy this moment with your mom, because one day it wot exist anymore and you will be glad you can remember every detail. Happy Mothers Day.

The romance of an afternoon at the park

The beauty of a childhood memory

The surprised innocence of a child